

Unleash your creativity with the possibility to 3D scan and virtualize different obejcts

About the service

Equipped with EinScan PRO 2X plus industrial handheld scanner we offer 3D scanning for reverse engineering, cultural heritage protection, artistic development and use in other areas.

3D scanning process

Original model

The original model is brought in for 3D scanning

3D scanning

Using a high-end equipment the original model is 3D scanned

Digital 3D model

After the scanning process the model is finalized using digital 3D modeling software

3D printing

From the final digital 3D model we can 3D print replicas of the original model in different sizes

Reverse engineering

Applicable in many areas, our team offers reverse engineering of parts for all areas of manufacturing

Mini Me

Create an unique model of yourself, your loved ones or a group of friends

Cultural heritage protection

Our 3D scanning team is actively engaged in a pro-bono activity for cultural heritage protection.

How It Looks

Our EinScan PRO 2X plus has a maximum 3D scanning resolution of up to 0.05mm. Able to scan in fixed and portable handheld mode as required we can scan in different conditions or areas.

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