Applied scientific research and 3D manufacturing

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Applied scientific research and 3D manufacturing

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About Future Innovations

Future Innovations LLCOP Is a spin-off company from the Faculty of natural sciences and Mathematics in Skopje, Macedonia.
The company is focused on applied scientific research in the areas of natural sciences, engineering and mathematics, providing contracted research for client (3rd person) companies.

In today’s fast-paced society, innovation is key to success. The fast prototyping of new models in industry and medicine can be crucial for the rapid development and placement of new products. Our 3D manufacturing subsection offers customers the possibility to develop and produce prototypes using 3D-printing technology or simply, to create 3D-printed objects for use in their everyday life.


What we offer



3D Printing

Ranging from desktop to industrial size printers, our 3D printing farm offers possibility for FDM and SLA 3D printing with standard filaments like PLA, PETG, ASA or industrial materials like NYLON, PEEK, PEEK/carbon.

Let's 3D print

Equipped with EinScan PRO 2X plus industrial handheld scanner we offer 3D scanning for reverse engineering, cultural heritage protection, artistic development and other areas.

Let's scan

Our network of 3D designers offers complete range of work in ZBrush, Solidworks, Solidedge. Offering artistic or industrial design, including FEA analysis of final models.

Let's design

The 3D process


For something to be created, first its need to be an Idea!


With help from our designers your idea will become a digital 3D model


After the model is created, we use additive manufacturing methods to create the first prototype


If the initial results are satisfactory we can continue with serial production of the desired model


Need help with a Scientific Research

We offer solutions for your development problems, experimental testing of your materials or products, statistical analysis of your data etc..

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What we offer


Transradial myoelectric prosthetics

Realizing our idea to create high quality myolectornic prosthesis affordable for the clients in the region facilitated the creation of our Bionics section.

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On demand parts or prototypes

With the large range of materials offered for 3D printing we can facilitated the creation of on demand spare parts, new designs or prototypes for your active projects.

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All you can imagen

We offer on demand 3D printing service of existing models. If you have an idea for a birthday, a toy, or a souvenir, our team will be able to make it.

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Luna Pi - active air sterilization

Our research team, jointed with our manufacturing section designed and developed an active air sterilization system intended for use in small offices rooms and areas of up to 30 square meters.


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